True Local Labs
True Local Labs

A modern creator & data science agency.

We connect local businesses to real customers in ways that will delight and surprise, with data that moves the needle for your business.

Let us prove it to you.


to the lab

At True Local Labs, we combine the latest tech and trends in advertising to help locally-focused businesses find their edge. Using innovative data engineering and creator marketing, we’re bringing enterprise-level services to the local scale — so your business can concentrate on what's most important and grow with confidence.

YOUR main


A Subheader Could Go Here

Three to four sentences describing your overall offering and its benefits. Keep things conversational, inspirational, and top level; this is a place to really distill what is most important and most enticing about your services. In a nutshell, what are you offering and how will it improve the lives of your potential clients?



True Local Insights

Uncover what makes your customer base unique and how you can target them more effectively.

Our "Data Foundry" process will match your customers against over 17,000 unique parameters, leading to actionable insights that will make your marketing decisions clear and confident.

True Local Creator


We've right-sized influencer and creator marketing for local activations, with a propietary database and metrics built from the ground up to serve the needs of local business.

Access and partner with locally vetted creators to tell your story and build your community.

YOUR free


On-brand description sentence about what this item is, why it’s worth obtaining and how it offers a window into your paid services.

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